Langka ini, sippin 'whiskey dibuat di Jack Daniel penyulingan di Lynchburg, Tennessee, menggunakan air murni gua yang unik dan mellowing proses disempurnakan oleh Jack Daniel di 1866.

The distinctively pleasing flavour is the reason they'll always stay faithful to the slow, time-honoured methods their founder insisted upon. Penampilan yang distinctively rasa merupakan alasan mereka akan tetap setia dengan lambat, saat-menghormati pendiri metode mereka bersikeras atas.

Tennessee whiskey is similar to bourbon but is different in that it is filtered through maple charcoal in large wooden vats prior to aging. Tennessee whiskey bourbon mirip tetapi berbeda karena disaring melalui maple arang kayu besar di Vats sebelum aging.

Tennessee whiskey is also not subject to the regulations relating to bourbons, such as the use of new barrels and low level of distilling proof. Tennessee whiskey juga tidak tunduk pada peraturan yang berkaitan dengan bourbons, seperti penggunaan baru barel dan rendahnya tingkat distilling bukti.

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